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Software design defined

Software design is the process of preparing the plan for a software application while satisfying a problem’s functional requirements and not violating its non-functional constraints.

There are different levels to software design

In the architectural design, the structure of the software is decided, that is, what components interact with each other and how.

In the preliminary design, the main task is to decide the modules that will be needed. The interface of the modules and their relationships are represented via UML and structure charts.

When working on detailed design, software designers think about the algorithm required to implement each module, the data structure for the modules, and so on. You define software methods, functions, objects, and APIs in detail.

While designing software, designers must consider the resource, time, and budget constraints. Other considerations include compatibility, security, portability, and so on.

Deployment and maintenance

After the software has been completely tested and free from all the defects and issues, the team deploys the software to production so that customers can use it. After that, the maintenance team (comprised of testers and developers) comes into the picture. They fix all the post-production issues found by the customers.

difference between conceptual design and technical design

Software Design

A digital platform through which user can do their job in an easy way. It may B2B & B2C. Software design involves a multi-disciplinary team to make it happen, It involves a Project Manager, Business Analyst, UX Designer, UI Designer Solution Architect, Technical Architect, Software Developer (Front & Back-end) & Software Tester.

Conceptual Design

It is an early phase of designing software, which take care of real user by defining better interactions, experiences, user journey & strategy. It helps team to describe the role of different type of user & their requirement in details so that team can provide tangible experience to the user.

Technical Design

Technical design is used to define the base code of any application, we are building a product & we have designed a prototype, Prototype looks good to go to the next steps. Now Next step is the development of the product. He will be writing the technical design document for the entire product for example Base code, API Code & other technical things.